Baker Homes

What We Can Do For You

Baker Homes

Serving our customers & building relationships that last longer than the close of the transaction is the heart of what we do at Baker Homes. We believe it is a privilege to work with you during such a monumental time in your life. Whether you’re interested in buying or selling real estate, we are able to serve you with our amazing resources. Who you choose matters! Let us show you how Baker Homes does it differently than everyone else!

Baker Homes

Baker Homes

meet the

Baker Homes


Chala Baker


Chala is the broker of Baker Homes. She is also a mother of 9 kids and the wife of Matthew for 21 years. She is wrapping up her Ph.D in Biblical Exposition fall of 2023. She loves reading and teaching others about Jesus!

Matt Baker


Matt is the father of 9 kids & loves a good adventure with his wife and kids. Whether he is on the San Juan Mountains of Colorado or driving the beaches of Galveston, he loves anything that will make a memory!

Elijah Phifer


Jennifer Pope


Jackie Pyle

Golden Ampersand Symbol

Sherry ​Hammond

Bryan Lewis



Kalli peoples

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